Everyone has desired goals, like earning more money, spending time with family, be fit, and being healthy. Successful people won’t postpone their plans for petty reasons. Failure people always put off things for minor reasons, and they used to blame on other things. They always give justification for not doing something. It’s up to you only to achieve your goals. Instead of making excuses, try to put your energy into your progress of success. Discipline is the primary factor in attaining your goals. Cultivate self-discipline will change your life more productively.
The practice of self-discipline and determination to learn will make your life more successful. ‘NO MORE EXCUSES’ is written for the people who want to achieve what they want in their life.

Say No More Excuses
To achieve your goals, you need to develop self-discipline. Lack of self-discipline is the primary reason for your unhappiness in your life. People tend to focus on short-term pleasure, ignore the necessity for success. The author wrote this book for the people hungry to learn more than ever have been before.
The following tips and ideas will change your life too.
1. Control yourself:
Before your emotions control you, try to control your emotions. Avoid yourself the easy pleasures and craving on things. Discipline yourself to do the things that direct towards your goals. Take complete control of your thoughts, feelings, and actions and then get so busy working on important things.
2. Quality of superior thinker:
Your thinking process should be long-term. To gain a long-term perspective, avoid short-term pleasure. It is a skill that makes you get better at predicting your future. Successful people focus on completing the significant task first. Concentrating on petty things in the morning will eliminate your ability to do anything useful for the rest of the evening. The habit of doing easy and enjoyable things will lead you to face failures.
3. Practice of self-discipline:
Practicing self-discipline is hard to form but easy to live. If you practice self-discipline consistently, you see yourself and think about yourself more positively. You can develop self-discipline by overcoming your obstacles and distractions. It is a crucial ingredient for successful people. If you really want to become successful then there should be no more excuses in your life
“By constant Self-discipline And Self-control, you can develop greatness of character.”
4. Hardwork never fails:
You don’t need better education or more intelligence to start what you want, but you should be willing to work harder than anyone else. Success is possible when you are eager to work hard for a long, long time. Start to get inspired by successful people and do what they repeatedly do: nothing can stop you from enjoying success. What you reaping today is a result of what you have sown in the past. Do work deliberately, consciously, and continuously.
“I hated every minute of training, but I said, Don’t quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion” – Muhammad Ali.
5. Imitate experts:
Learn from experts by reading their books, listening to their speeches, ask them for advice. Remember, you have to become a lifelong student to learn from them. Observe their attitude and imitate them. But don’t copy them. Imitate their lifestyle with your own. Make a list of the people whom you most admire, develop virtues and values that make you a successful person. Your epitome have a tremendous impact on shaping your character.
6. Choose wisely:
Every choice you make is about your actual values and priorities. Choose what is more important to achieve your goal. When you choose the higher value tasks, you feel good about yourself. You would have a greater sense of personal pride. Make your entire life with the quality of your choices.
“It’s not about time, it’s about choices, how you are spending your choices.”- Beverly Adamo.
7. Watch your inner mirror:
Inner mirror is nothing but self-image. Self-image is the way we see and think about ourselves. Transform yourself as calm, positive, and possessed of good value. You behave with greater strength and power. You feel happier and more confident.
If you think of yourself as an incredible person is possessed great values, you will treat other people with courtesy, grace, and respect. Automatically, you will change the perspectives of other people. Self-esteem refers to your self-image, which shapes your behavior.
8. Consistency:
Whatever you do, do consistently. When you focus on your goal, you feel good about yourself, and your self-confidence will increase. Character plays a vital role in achieving your desired destination. It is nothing but repetitions. It’s about repeating the same action over and over again until it becomes a habit. If it becomes a habit, it will start getting results.
Formula to achieve goals:
- Be specific to decide what you want in your life.
- Once you set goals, write them down.
- Set a deadline for your plan.
- Organize your list of tasks by priority.
- Take action towards your goal.
When you write down your goals, imagine that you achieve your goals within a day. Even you accomplish any one purpose: it would positively impact your life and motivate you to achieve them.
“No one is better than you, And No one is smarter than you.”
When you change your thinking, it will change your life. It’s all learn and do matters. “Never stop learning and growing.” When you continue to work on yourself, it becomes easier and easier to get better and better.
9. Perseverance:
It is self-discipline in action. Develop your ability to overcome all setbacks and failures. The primary reason for success is persistence. When you discipline yourself to persist repeatedly, your self-esteem will go up. You will become stronger and confident. Whenever you feel down, try to increase your ability to stay by talking to yourself positively. Refuse to blame others or make excuses. If you blame others, it will make you weaker. Everything happens for a reason, so stay optimistic, look for the good in every situation.
10. Leadership skills:
The leader should have a perfect vision of the goals and objectives of the organization. Try to find ways to improve the quality of products and services in your field. They should be committed to the success of the organization. Motivates and inspires people to do their job wholeheartedly. They should be open to new ideas and encourage people to find easier ways to produce excellent products and services. The leader should be committed to reading, listening, and upgrading their skills consistently. They should have the patience to handle any situation and should be action-oriented.
11. Time management:
It is a core discipline that determines the quality of your life by the way you manage your time. The key to success is to spend your time wisely. Spend your time on what you most value. The better you plan and execute, the better you feel good. Organize your life by setting priorities and overcoming procrastination.
12. Tips to resolve problems:
You need to have a better understanding and clarity about the problems. Look out for the problem from different perspectives. Seek opportunities from the situation. The more ways you can define a problem, the more likely you will find solutions. Get information about the causes of the pain from all sides. Then collect all possible solutions related to the problem. Among those, pick out the best solution that can fix the problem quickly.
13. Elements of happiness:
Mental and physical health is the root cause of happiness. In today’s busy world, no one spends time on mind and body fitness. A high level of pain-free health and a flow of energy will make you live happily. Do things that keep you active and give a sense of fulfillment. Your happiness refers to how you feel and value yourself.
14.Healthy habits:
Eat healthy mini-meals 5 or 6 times a day, and your last meal should be 3 hours before you go to sleep. Exercise regularly, avoid smoking, and drinking alcohol. If you maintain proper weight throughout your life, you will look good and feel good. It will direct you more positively. The habit of no more excuses helps you to develop healthy habits to succeed.
“Eat less, Exercise more.“
15. Successful marriage:
We love what we most value both in ourselves and others. A couple who has the same values are more likely to live happily. A successful and happy marriage requires trust, love, and respect. In a loving relationship, still have an area of dissatisfaction, disagreement, misunderstanding. We can achieve a successful marriage by handling difficult situations without anger and irritation. Try to listen calmly and patiently to their feelings, thoughts, and opinions of other people will strengthen a relationship.
16. Ways to build good relationship:
Accept the people as they are without judging and critical. Smiling at people makes them feel valuable. Appreciate others and paying attention to them are keys to cultivating healthy relationships. They will seek your presence more. Say ‘ thank you ‘ often. Treat a person with respect is more important to have a good relationship.
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