Negative thoughts are the major cause of the most of the problems like depression, stress, low self-confidence, anxiety, and fear. But you an easily deal with negative thoughts and rectify them once you become aware of that.
What is self-talk?
The internal dialogue about either past or future in the form of thoughts is called self-talk. It even includes talking to yourself aloud.
Everyone engages in self-talk but not be aware of it most of the time. It could be either positive or negative.
Let’s dive into little more deep!
I want to ask you how often you hear the voice inside your head, playing the role of the inner critic and throwing doubts about your ability. Instead of encouraging you, that squeaky little voice does the opposite.
Negative self-talk is holding you back from achieving what you want. But you know what? You can control and get rid of negativity from your head by tricking it into becoming positive self-talk.
I have done it, and so can you!
Here are the six ways to deal with your negative thoughts and can turn into positive self-talk.
Be Aware:
Be aware of your thoughts; you can make choices to respond differently next time. Be mindful of your self-talk and identify the patterns. It will help you figure out the areas that harm your life Because negative self-talk links negative emotions such as anxiety, depression, insecurity, rumination, etc. Identify when you experience negative feelings like mental, physical, or emotional and record them in your journal and replace them with your desired ones.
Commit to discovering the origin of your judgment and any belief hiding underneath it.
Pay attention:
Observe what your mind is chatting about, what kind of thoughts you are having, and what kind of self-talk is happening. Label your emotions, write down your negative self-talk, and rewrite them with positive ones. Observe your surrounding people, whether they create a positive or negative vibe. If they create a negative vibe, then make distance from them and surround yourself with the right people. Your self-talk becomes positive. Listen to the silence. It’s also important to stop talking to yourself sometimes and feel the five senses.
Listening practice helps you let go of your old ideas and judgments. Learn to start listening to yourself mindfully. Try to bring compassion to yourself when you notice you are speaking to yourself unkindly as you learn to yourself. Check this article to know more about the power of listening.
Allow your mind to hold the image of a place where you feel at peace. Make that place relaxed and calm. Continue to focus on this until you feel your body let go of all the negativity. Another way is to imagine there is a man with the broom inside your head. He gently sweeps away thoughts which doesn’t serve you.
Imagine how you might feel and what you think about your relationship. Run pictures, thoughts, feelings, or ideas through your mind about the positive outcome you desire for your relationship. Practice positive statements and repeat them until they become natural to you. The more you allow your mind to grasp ideas, images, and words that will make more positive your relationship and fulfill your life. Check this article to know more about the visualization.
Switching emotions:
When you encounter stressful situations or feel downtime, begin to humming or listening upbeat songs that boost you or recall any fun memories. It makes you calm and peaceful. In the same way, when you feel anxiety, associate your part of the body(any) touching with your relaxed and calm state. Whenever you touch that part, you call upon the trigger to send a message to your body to calm. Shifting negative self-talk into positive self-talk offers you confidence and hope to lead a peaceful life.
Developing the habit of fair and balanced assessment rather than an overreaction will significantly improve your communication with others. Instead of holding on to old judgments about situations, try to see the problems from a good perspective.
Kind to yourself:
Talk to yourself the way you like to talk to someone you love. The proper self-talk can give you more energy and confidence in your social life. Practice to teach you how to speak to yourself the way you would to your lovable ones. For instance, before you leave the house in the morning, look at yourself in the mirror and say,” I love you and hope you have a great day!.
Incline your body to positive emotions by finding as many things to love and appreciate. Practice kindness, compassion, and acceptance towards yourself. Spend your time on the right path instead of comparing yourself with others. Because no matter how well you know them. Cultivate habits that are good mentally, physically, and emotionally. Check this article to know more about the importance of kind to yourself.
Accept mistakes:
We are all making mistakes. It is a normal part of life. How do we learn from mistakes and be aware of not committing the same mistake again? Make a mistake, learn from it because it contains information that will help you adjust your approach before trying again. You got nothing when you are not accepting your mistakes.
Admit your mistakes and reframe them as an opportunity to learn. Please start thinking about how you can learn from them and find ways to prevent it from happening again. Identify the root causes of your problem and then try to fix them. Finally, review the progress of overcoming failures and solutions. You can get a clear idea of dos and don’ts for the future.
You can calm your anxious mind by taking the proper steps! Start taking those steps right now!
Good luck for your journey!
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