“Confidence” comes from the word ‘CONFIDERE,’ which means ‘ to have full trust.’ Therefore to be secure means to have trust in your abilities and potential to be successful. Self confidence is how we feel about ourselves. We tend to be more confident in how we look good, feel accomplished, and feel supported. One of the tricks to gain self confidence is, you need to cultivate a positive mental attitude about yourself and find your purpose. It is the best way to live and learn.

Tricks to gain self confidence:
1.Take care of yourself:
The most important relationship is the one you love with yourself. Avoid spending time on worrying and fearing. Instead, take action and increase your peace of mind by reading a book, listening to music, spending time with nature or pets, and mindful movement. Taking care of yourself helps you keep stay healthy both mentally and physically. How can you engage in self-care.? no worries! Here are some self-care strategies that work best for you to boost your self-confidence.
- Make sure your bedroom is a comfortable place for you to get good sleep. Cultivate a habit of night routine( Reading, journaling, stay away from digital connection).
- Incorporate exercise in your day-to-day life. You would feel more confident when you shed extra weight.
- Eating the right food at the right time will boost your memory system. When you have a good memory, you don’t need to depend on others and other digital devices to help you. You can help yourself. Automatically it will boost up your confidence level. (Memory food: fatty fish, avocado, nuts, blueberries, green vegetables, spinach). Learning to cook for yourself will enhance your confidence to not depend on others to get food.
- Spend time with people who love you most. Sharing thoughts makes you feel relax and reduce your stress.
- Reading self-help books will make you get to know about the importance of self-care and its benefits.
- Schedule a regular self-care time routine to indulge with yourself.
check this article to know more about self care 8 Best Self-care ideas for taking better care of yourself
2.Improve your Body language:
The percentage of communication and how people perceive you is based on your body language. Body language is nothing but facial expressions, eye contact, postures, gestures, how we touch ourselves and others, how we interact with what we feel, and even breath. Understanding and managing body language boosts your self-confidence. When you practice positive body language, your brain will tend to positive and confident mode. Improve your body language will make you feel more confident. Some of the ways to improve your body language are:
- Be Aware: Start to pay attention to everything you do. For example, you could bite a nail when talking to some people. Try to understand why you do it. Identification is half the battle.
- Visualize: Make a picture of yourself behaving confidently. Keep aware of your inner voice. Visualization makes you to generate a mental picture and it will help you to achieve your goals. Just do rehearse confidence in your mind.
- Pay attention to posture and gesture: when you stand straight, with your shoulders back and head held high, you look self-assured and poised. Practice sitting and standing with the correct posture. Ask a family member to notice your posture and correct it if it is terrible. Steeping, nodding, smiling associate with confidence. Begin to pay attention to your arms and legs in certain situations. Try to have a firm handshake.
- Dress for confidence: Clothes make a difference in how we perceive ourselves and how others perceive us. You can boost self-confidence by appropriately wearing a dress for an occasion. Find your style by looking at magazines or websites to see what you like.
I speak two languages, Body and English – Mae West
3.Set realistic goals:
Once you have a vision of who you want to be, and how you want your life to become, setting goals will help you navigate towards each destination on your journey. Without setting goals, you are more likely to waste time going in directions that won’t help you achieve your vision. Purposeful goals and plans are attained by how you want to live your life with confidence. You choose your ideal schedule. The process of setting goals is 1. Identify your goal 2. Align your goal 3. write them down 4. Make a plan 5. Visualize the purpose which you set has been achieved 6. Take daily action towards your goal.7. Be mindful during the process. Re-align your goals by making sure they are helping you satisfy your “why” and long-term vision. Set goals that are meaningful, purposeful, and soulful.
Set a deadline tells our brain to get the task done by a specific time. It gives your mind to focus on your job. It will cut back your feeling of “I will do it when I feel like it.”
Revisit your goals regularly gives you more confidence towards your achievement. You need to review the steps taken and evaluate the results. Remember that your plan should not keep you busy instead, it should make you more productive. If you use the time more productively, then you will gain more confidence in your life.
4.Change your thoughts:
To gain self confidence, you need to change your thoughts. If you are in negative feelings, then it will suck your energy and motivation.
Begin challenging your assumptions. Your assumptions are your windows to your life. Clean them off every once in a while, or the light won’t come in. – Alan Alda.
If you have fearful and negative thoughts, then all your efforts toward building confidence will have vanished. By mindfully ceasing old thoughts and replacing them with new ones, your brain creating new neural pathways. Support your thinking with confident actions to create success and happiness. Here are some of the ways about thinking:
- Aware of negative thoughts: There is endless voice chattering in our heads. When you observe your thoughts, probably most of them are negative and past bitter experiences. If you dwell on the past and worry about the future, you will ruin your present happy life. Awareness is the first step toward change. So mindfully notice your thoughts and make notes about them.
- Rephrase your negative pattern: Once you identify your negative thoughts, break the habits. Replace your negative thoughts with positive ones. If you leave a space, your brain will automatically return to negative reviews. If you don’t believe the new idea initially, say it out loud if possible and to yourself several times. When you are taking control of your thoughts, you will feel more confident.
- Learn to meditate: There are many goals to do meditation, but one of the benefits is the ability to detach from your negative thoughts, releasing their control over you, and be present at the moment. Consider adding meditation as a daily practice. Begin with just 5 minutes a day. Slowly increase your meditation time until your desired time to meditate.
- Practice gratitude: Research says, those who write about gratitude were more optimistic and feel better about their lives. So keep a gratitude journal, and every night before going to bed, write down things that you are grateful to your life. Use thoughts of gratitude as replacement thoughts for negative thinking.
- Practice affirmations: If you practice affirmations deliberately and repeatedly, it will push the subconscious mind to take action to make positive statements accurate. It will strengthen our neural connections so that our thoughts change the structure and function of our brains to support our intentions. Please choose your favorite affirmation and say it out loud in a confident voice several times a day and before going to bed. Be sure your promises are in the present tense, for example: ” I am a confident person,” ” I can speak confidently.”
check this article to know more about affirmations
5.Empower yourself:
Empower can start from small actions. The small step we take every day to feel more confident will lead your life to become more successful.
- Empowering sticky notes: Take a sticky note, write yourself an encouraging message, and stick it on your bathroom mirror, laptop, your table, anywhere you want. You can also write your favorite quotes.
One of my favorite quotes is
“20 minutes of doing something more valuable than 20 hours of thinking about doing something”
Self-love sticky notes are a great way to give yourself extra confidence.
- Validate yourself emotionally: Acknowledge your feelings means notice your feelings include excitement, happiness, sadness, anger, jealousy. Then 100% you are allowed to feel them. Let us control how we act on our emotions instead of letting our emotions control us.
- Listen to your own needs: Allowing yourself to step back and take a break or a nap or snacking that your body is asking. Remember, You only can feel what your body and mind are asking for, not anyone else.
- Identify your talents: Find something you love and develop skills with interest. When you follow your passion, you will feel fulfilled and accomplished. It will help you to build confidence.
- Pride yourself: List out what areas you are good at. You should feel proud of the talents you possess. It can be the sense of your kindness, listening skills, writing skill, drawing, any other.
- Learn a new skill: A new skill, especially a challenging skill you are unfamiliar with, can improve your mental awareness, increase your career opportunities, and boost confidence. You are learning to develop a deeper understanding of knowledge in areas that interest you.
Use these techniques to support your daily efforts. The more you practice these actions, the easier you become a confident person. You have the power to build self-confidence. Don’t wait for another day to take action. An extraordinary life awaits you!
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