We used to create a To-do list to increase productivity. Another vital list to speed up our productivity is Not-to-do list. Not-to-do list means -things we should not do. However, even eliminating or reducing just a few of the following bad routines can help to increase your happiness, productivity, and success. You can create a not-to-do list by identifying your weak spots, distractions, tasks that have a low impact on your value, bad habits, and things out of control. The list of 8 habits to avoid help you to improve your lifestyle.
If you want to attain the next level of productivity, here are eight habits to avoid.
1.Try answering all emails first thing in the morning:
Morning time is the most precious. You are in hyperactive mode. If you try to reply to your email, your energy goes into typing, wording, and formatting. It consumes all your morning time and energy. Finally, you end up not completing or focusing on your most priority tasks. So, be cautious about replying to higher-priority emails. You will get more time to focus on high-value content tasks in this process.
2.No clarity in your goals:
Figure out the goals and purpose of your dreams. Try to spend some time thinking them over. It may take time at first, but once you get the clarity about your goals, you can schedule your time for priorities. Eventually, you can stay on track towards your long-term goals. Paying attention and being conscious of your dream will help you push away unimportant tasks.
3.Trying to be a people pleaser:
“Don’t be afraid of losing people. Be afraid of losing yourself by trying to please everyone around you.” – Unknown.
You can’t control what others think. Better you start focusing on the things that you can control yourself. Don’t spend energy on people. Keep in mind; you are not here to please everyone. Focus on pleasing your soul and people who deserve your attention and love. Don’t place value on other people’s opinions and thoughts. Everyone may have an idea about you, but the only ones you should care about are yours and the closest to you. Learn how to not care about others’ opinions.
4.Things that drain your energy:
First, identify your habits that drain your energy level. So that you can take steps to change them, find some changes to boost your energy level. You can improve your life and maintain good health by changing your lifestyle. Your mental energy can increase by removing unnecessary habits that drain your energy. Our practices determine our lives.
5.Spending too much on social media:
Several recent studies say excessive social media usage increase depression and anxiety. It’s essential to practice mindfulness when using social media to maintain a healthy mindset. Set a time limit to use social media with purpose. Notifications push you to neglect your essential task to check-in time. So turn off notifications while doing vital tasks. It helps you to improve your productivity. Check the article to know more about productivity 6 Simple Ways to Be More Productive.
6.Negative self-talk:
“Whatever you hold in your mind on a consistent basis is exactly what you will experience in your life.” – Tony Robbins.
Life is full of uncertainties that we can’t control. But there are some things we can rule over, and among them are our thoughts and how we care for ourselves. Negative thoughts play a central role in damaging our mental and physical health. Our mental chatter means self-talk. Your inner dialogue with a negative bias impact our self-confidence and self-esteem. Train your mind to shift new perspectives of thoughts and feelings. Meditation helps you to let go of self-talk and rumination.
7.Overthink and live in the past a lot:
Overthinking is simply thinking about something too much. Dwelling on the past doesn’t help you in any sense. If you accept your history as it is, then you will relieve yourself of its weight. Free up your mind from worrying. Replace negative self-talk with positive affirmations and clutter your mental space through journaling. Check this article to know more about affirmations . Being aware of your thoughts and being present at the moment are the ways to lead the happiest life.
8.Blame others:
“Your life is what you make it. So, don’t blame others when you screw up.” – Unknown.
We tend to look for a cause for something to someone. It is one of the tactics to hurt someone by blaming them. Before you blame others, take a deep breath and be aware of the feelings that make you accuse someone. Learn to respond neutrally. Blaming others may work for a short time, but it will disempower you. Blaming others for our actions enhances our sense of victimhood. Learn to manage to handle the anger that gives you uncomfortable feelings.
Now, what should be on your not-to-do list? Take a piece of paper and start to create your list, then post it on your favorite place and make sure you stay as faithful to it as possible.
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