Improve the mind-body connection to enhance the link between mental health and physical health. Your inner balance determines your outer world (environment, family, friends, and social network). It is your responsibility to monitor and maintain your health. Transform your negative perceptions into constructive action. Our organs are highly receptive to our emotions and feelings. Our organs are connected to the brain, both physically and emotionally.
In an intense stress situation, the brain passes the excess stress on to the other organs. It sets off a reaction like a stomachache, a headache, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, etc. The fact is that emotions have an impact on organs. Extreme organ imbalances will bring behavioral disorders.
Improve the mind-body connection
Let’s discuss some of the essential organs and their connection with emotions.
The brain plays a vital role in manifesting depressive symptoms. Keep our brain healthy, active, practice physical and mental exercise, read, and meditate. Physically less active will you put into the risk of developing Alzheimer’s and related diseases. Physical activity increases blood circulation and brings more oxygen to the body’s cells. Be aware that carbohydrates are necessary for brain function. So concentrate on our diet to develop a healthy brain. Take care of your mental health by doing yoga, relaxation techniques, and positive thinking. It is associated with basic emotions like happiness, anger, sadness, fear, surprise, and disgust. The brain can adjust to respond to things and alter your mood. For example, if you are in danger, it will release stress hormones to react faster. When the threat subsides, it will remove and gives calming signal to our body.
Animals can produce fear and anger emotions. Humans have unique social emotions, such as shame, guilt, and pride, which give us awareness of other people’s opinions. We can modulate and modify our emotional experiences by using a variety of skills.
The food we take and oxygen into our digestive system is the fuel for our energy. We cannot control the organs directly other than the lungs. We can learn to control our breathing perfectly. For example, yogis, and deep-sea drivers can hold their breath for more than 5 minutes by practicing breathing exercises. It can be under our control by practice consistently. The initial stage of respiratory failure is noise breathing. Learn to maintain a good posture helps you breathe better, with more ease and freedom.
Respiratory problems cost you more energy, and you may lose self-confidence gradually( Check this article to know more about self-confidence Top 5 tricks to gain self confidence ). It is possible to cure respiratory failure by doing regular exercise. By quick walking, running, bicycle riding, we can stimulate the function of the respiratory system well. Remember, excess weight will make the diaphragm and lungs work harder. So maintain your weight correctly. Emotions like grief, sadness, anxiety, and detachment are related to the functions of the lungs. Lung gets damaged by depression and excessive crying. Lungs control energy in our bodies. So, please pay attention to deal with your emotions rather than ignoring them.
The heart is the first organ to begin function when we are born. And it is also the last to stop functioning when we die. The symptoms of heart disease are uneasiness in the chest, pain in the left arm, and pain in the jaws and neck. The activities to maintain a healthy heart are swimming, walking, running, and cycling. Try to avoid taking excess sugar and salt, drinking alcohol. The heart gets damaged by restlessness, lack of joy, despair, depression, and lack of sleep.
To overcome these emotions by doing yoga, meditation, listening to music, singing a song, and fitness activities ( Check this article to know more about heart exercise.) Recognize your emotions and express them to your loved ones. You can communicate by writing a journal. Follow a healthy diet with plenty of omega-3 fatty acids. Find ways to take care of your emotions, and your heart will thank you.
The liver is one of the heaviest organs in our body. It controls toxic substances in our bodies. The chemical substances iron, vitamin-B12, and folic acid are suitable for the liver. Symptoms of liver failure are headaches, eyesight problems, oily hair, hypersensitive skin, sensitive gums, bad breath, physical fatigue, insomnia, lack of restful sleep, digestion problems. Family problems and overthinking will damage our liver. Try to have nutritious food( fruits and vegetables) as much as possible. Drink water often and in small quantities. Try to avoid drinking alcohol in any form.
A feeling of insecurity strongly affects the liver. To overcome this, try to recall your pleasant memories, develop a sense of self-respect and self-esteem, hang around with optimistic people, focus only on your positive attributes. Remember, without doctor prescriptions, avoid taking medications. Avoid taking sulfur-based preservatives in food and drink( frozen products, mustard, vinegar, and mayonnaise.)
Our kidneys look like identical twins, but each one perceives different emotions and functions in its way. Our kidneys control the water level in our entire body. They are eliminating waste, toxins, and excess water and salt. Kidney stones occur when kidneys are not able to eradicate particular wastes. Avoid a sedentary lifestyle. Stay active periodically will improve your blood circulation. Reduce protein from animal resources, excess salt( Mineral water rich in sodium). Drink water often but only a little. Drink grapefruit juice mixed with a lot of water is excellent for your kidneys. Eat fiber-rich foods( broccoli, beans, peas, tomato).
The kidney gets affected by the emotions like fear, isolation, weakness, and insecurity. It is associated with emotions like anxiety, stress, anger, and stress. These emotions can be overcome by sharing feelings with your loved ones, finding ways to relax, create healthy morning and night routines.
It is the largest organ in our body and 16% of the body weight. It is the receptor of pleasure and pain. The skin is also an immune barrier and protects us from our environment. It is only our visible organ and maintaining the water level in our body. Sunlight is good for our skin. It makes skin glow and absorbs vitamin D, a key component in keeping bones healthy and strong. Take care of the skin by staying hydrated, consume vitamin c and omega-3 fatty acid-rich foods, have a restful sleep.
Hydrating skin is vital as hydrating our entire body. Our bodies need hydration to look and feel good. A daily skincare routine helps to maintain healthy skin. Even though the skin is our external organ, it’s deeply connected with the brain. It is the primary indicator of our mind. The skin reacts according to our emotions. If you are happy and calm, it will glow up in your skin. If you are sad, overburdened, and stressed, the skin turns red, break out in pimples, acne, and overburdened. Feeling joyful will make your skin appear more radiant. So, stick to your skincare routine will helps to improve your healthy lifestyle.
We can connect our body and emotions by listening to the alarm signals and symptoms that our body gives us. Lets positive energy circulates in your mind and body.
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